Andrea Castellano
Exceptionally well educated liberty-driven law students are much needed in our society to implement and defend ideas of freedom in the area of law and legislation. This is why we have chosen another young law student, Andrea Castellano from Venezuela. Andrea is also an activist for freedom, she is a national coordinator at Students for Liberty, the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world in terms of leaders, countries represented, and events. Andrea said, “I want to raise a clear, visible and powerful message to promote and protect liberty, and this is why my passion for it grows every day.”
Despite her young age, Andrea has already done so much for Venezuela. She was involved in initiatives such as the Pan American and Caribbean Network for Human Rights (PACURH) for which she was a member of the Board of Directors. She received an academic scholarship to pay her university tuition through the organization “Beca a un pana,” and she was an intern at Lex Solutions Legal and Financial Advisory Group (January 2021-May 2021). Now it is so important for her to grow as a young activist and experience ideas of freedom in the USA. Welcome Andrea!